Francis J. Burdon - Curriculum Vitae
KEY Publications
Burdon, F. J., et al. 2022. Environmental context determines pollution impacts on ecosystem functioning. Oikos e09131. DOI:
Burdon, F. J., et al. 2020. Stream microbial communities and ecosystem functioning show complex responses to multiple stressors in wastewater. Global Change Biology 23: 6363–6382. DOI:
Burdon, F. J., McIntosh, A.R., and Harding, J.S. 2020. Mechanisms of trophic niche compression: evidence from landscape disturbance.
Journal of Animal Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13142
Burdon, F. J., A. R. McIntosh, and J. S. Harding. 2013. Habitat loss drives threshold response of benthic invertebrate communities to deposited sediment in agricultural streams. Ecological Applications 23:1036-1047. Best Student Paper, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society, 2013.
Burdon, F. J., and J. S. Harding. 2008. The linkage between riparian predators and aquatic insects across a stream-resource spectrum. Freshwater Biology 53:330-346.
Burdon, F. J., et al. 2020. Stream microbial communities and ecosystem functioning show complex responses to multiple stressors in wastewater. Global Change Biology 23: 6363–6382. DOI:
Burdon, F. J., McIntosh, A.R., and Harding, J.S. 2020. Mechanisms of trophic niche compression: evidence from landscape disturbance.
Journal of Animal Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13142
Burdon, F. J., A. R. McIntosh, and J. S. Harding. 2013. Habitat loss drives threshold response of benthic invertebrate communities to deposited sediment in agricultural streams. Ecological Applications 23:1036-1047. Best Student Paper, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society, 2013.
Burdon, F. J., and J. S. Harding. 2008. The linkage between riparian predators and aquatic insects across a stream-resource spectrum. Freshwater Biology 53:330-346.